Go to Team Reach on your smart phone for dates.
Every player will need to register through the TeamReach app
(code: Playodas) and be a member of Pickleball Canada for
insurance purposes. You must have your Pickleball Canada
membership card with you, printed copy or on your phone. This
is for YOUR protection. You must also be a member of the ODAS
Park Pickleball Club.
The cost is $7.00 (cash only) and please sign in before entering a
court. These will be open sessions requiring split courts for 3.0
and under and 3.5 plus. You must have a minimum of 2.0 self-
rating to play.
(self rating chart)
The number of players will be capped to keep wait times to a
To control numbers and avoid long wait times we will
be using the app “TEAM REACH” available for smart
https://www.teamreach.com/ or at your phone’s Play
Store. (Group code “Playodas”)
Please try to play with similarly skilled players. Only
2.0+ players may apply
All players at ODAS must be members of Pickleball
Canada - https://pickleballcanada.org/
for insurance purposes.
“Split courts” means that the some courts will be for lower level players, while other
courts will be for more advanced players. This is a judgement situation, determined at
the time and by the players themselves.
Send me a note if anything isn’t clear. glenmorehouse@gmail.com
Go to Team Reach on your smart phone
for dates.
Every player will need to register through the
TeamReach app (code: Playodas) and be a member
of Pickleball Canada for insurance purposes. You
must have your Pickleball Canada membership card
with you, printed copy or on your phone. This is for
YOUR protection. You must also be a member of the
ODAS Park Pickleball Club.
The cost is $7.00 (cash only) and please sign in
before entering a court. These will be open sessions
requiring split courts for 3.0 and under and 3.5 plus.
You must have a minimum of 2.0 self-rating to play.
(self rating chart)
The number of players will be capped to keep wait
times to a minimum.
To control numbers and avoid long wait
times we will be using the app “TEAM
REACH” available for smart phones.
https://www.teamreach.com/ or at your
phone’s Play Store. (Group code
Please try to play with similarly skilled
players. Only 2.0+ players may apply
All players at ODAS must be members of
Pickleball Canada -
for insurance purposes.
“Split courts” means that the some courts will be for lower level
players, while other courts will be for more advanced players.
This is a judgement situation, determined at the time and by the
players themselves.
Send me a note if anything isn’t clear.